
Kentucky Camp ride, this Saturday

We're going to ride the AZ trail, starting near Kentucky Camp, this Saturday. Plan on meeting at the trailhead parking area at 0900.
Take I-10 east to Highway 83. Take 83 south towards Sonoita. After some many miles, turn right on Gardner Canyon Road. The road forks almost immediately, take the right fork, Fish Canyon Road. Continue down Fish Canyon for a couple of miles, through the private property, until you get to a large off-road vehicle parking area on your left. (it's pretty obvious). It is located at: N31.74284 W110.70786

The ride will be long, and a little on the cold side. The elevation is going tobe around 5200 feet. So, bring something to eat, lots of water, and some kind of extra layer of clothing.

Question, contact Chino.

1 comment:

Brad Knox said...

will you bring my cheese and pepper shakers?